
عرض المشاركات من يوليو 5, 2020


The oil and gas directional and horizontal drilling industry has an abundant—and sometimes conflicting—vocabulary. To lessen possible confusion, let the following terminology be defined within the context of makinhole.com . A B   C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ----- *removea superscript that denotes a planned well path value. 3D directional wellremovea directional well with a planned hole section that is not vertically-planar; azimuthal turn exists for one or more segments of the planned well path. 3DSBremovesame as 3DStratBlock. 3DStratBlockremovea single planar surface with perpendicular (stratigraphic) thickness that mathematically represents the 3D location of a geologic marker/bed over a MD interval of wellbore. --A-- actual well pathremovea best estimate of where a wellbore exists in 3D space, as computed with directional survey data and the industry-standard survey calculational method known as minimum curvature. AD...